
EasyPrint PETG - 1.75mm - 1 kg - Solid Red

  • Item Id 23075
  • Variation ID 4124
  • EAN 7340002113463
  • Mfg part No, PC-EPETG-175-1000-SRD
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(Base price € 23,90/kg)  
Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
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Product description
Basic Data
Filament Typ PETG
Diameter 1,75 mm
Tolerance 0,05 mm
Weight 1,00 kg
Lenght 327 m
Color Red
Printing Parameter
Recomended Printing Temp Min 210 ºC
Recomended Printing Temp Max 235 ºC
Recomended Printbed Temperature Min 0 ºC
Recomended Printbed Temperature Max 60 ºC
Recomended Printing Speed Min 15 mm/s
Recommended Printing Speed Max 100 mm/s
Recomended Fan Speed Min 10 %
Recomended Fan Speed Max 100 %
Recomended Retraction Min 1,5 mm
Recomended Retraction Max 5 mm
Recomended Flow Rate Min 100 %
Recomended Flow Rate Max 105 %
Specific gravity 1,27 g/cm3   ASTM D1505
Mold Shrinkage 0.2 - 0.5    ASTM D955
Vicat softening temp 83 °C   ASTM D1525
Tensile strength 53 MPa   ASTM D638
Tensile modulus 2150 MPa   ASTM D790
Elongation at yield 5 %   ASTM D638
Elongation at break 70 %   ASTM D638
Flexural Strenght 80 MPa   ASTM D790
Impact Strength ,09 KJ/m2   ASTM D256
Filament spool selection 
1. Easy Print 1kg
    Ø Ds200 mm
    Ø ds54 mm
    Ws65,6 mm
    ws61 mm
    Emty weight Spool0,215 kg
    DB203 mm
    WB78 mm
    HB215 mm
    Emty weight box0,155 kg
    Material of boxCarboard

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;CNC & LaserEngraving