
RepRap M6 Messing Nozzle 3mm - 0,4 mm - 1 pcs

  • Productnummer 22766
  • Variatie-ID 3811
  • EAN 7340002111445
  • Mfg onderdeelnr, PC-NSP-04B285-RRM6
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Incl. btw excl. Verzending
op Voorraad:  20
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Merk PrimaCreator
Type RepRap M6 3mm
Materiaal Messing
Diameter 0,40 mm
Verpakking 1
Past voor
Olsson Block
Ultimaker 2+
Ultimaker 2+ Extended
Ultimaker 2 with Olsson block upgrade
Ultimaker 2 Extended with Olsson block upgrade
Ultimaker Original *1 *2
Ultimaker Original+ *1 *2
Lulzbot TAZ 3 with hexagon hotend upgrade *2
Lulzbot TAZ 4 with hexagon hotend upgrade *2
Lulzbot TAZ 5
Lulzbot TAZ 6 *2 *3
3ntr A2 v2
3ntr A4 v3
Every printer with a E3D V4 3.0mm hotend *2
Every printer with a E3D V5 3.0mm hotend *2
Every printer with a E3D V6 3.0mm hotend *2
*1 = You will need to adjust the fan shroud since the nozzle is shorter than the original nozzle.
*2 = You will need to mount it with the nozzle not placed against the front face of the heater block but against the heat break/isolator tube to create a seal.
*3 = Will require disabling of the automatic bed leveling since the ruby tip is not conductive.

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;CNC & LaserEngraving