
MK8 Hardened Steel Nozzle 0,8 mm - 1 pc

  • Item Id 22688
  • Variation ID 3727
  • EAN 7340002111056
  • Mfg part No, PC-NSP-08Hx1-MK8
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Product description
Brand PrimaCreator
Type MK8
Material Hardened Steel
Diameter 0,80 mm
Packaging 1
Fits for Creality CP-01 3D-Printer / CNC / Laser Engraving
Creality CR-10 V2
Creality CR-10-Mini
Creality CR-10-S4
Creality CR-10-S5
Creality CR-10S
Creality CR-20 Pro
Creality Ender-3
Creality Ender-3 Pro
Creality Ender-5
Creality Ender-5 Plus
Creality Ender-5 Pro
CreatBot D600
CreatBot D600 Pro
CreatBot F160
CreatBot F430 - 420°C version
CreatBot F1000
CreatBot Peek-300
CreatBot F160 - PEEK Version
Creality CR-5 Pro - 300*225*380 mm
Anet ET5 3D-Printer 300x300x400 mm
Anet ET4 3D-Printer 220x220x250 mm
Creality CR-10 v3 - 30*30*40 cm large build size 3D printer
Creality CR-6 SE - 235*235*250 mm
Wanhao Duplicator D12/300 - Dual Extruder - 300*300*400mm
Wanhao Duplicator D12/230 - Dual Extruder - 230*230*250mm
BIQU B1 3D Printer Black
Creality Ender-6 - 250*250*400 mm
Creality Ender-3 Max - 300*300*340 mm
BIQU B1 3D Printer Noble Purple
Creality Ender-3 v2 - 220*220*250 mm
Creality CR-200B
Creality CR-3040 Pro
Creality CR-5 Pro H - 300*225*380 mm
Wanhao Duplicator D12/500 - Dual Extruder - 500*500*500mm
Wanhao Duplicator D12/400 - Dual Extruder - 400*400*400mm
Creality Sermoon D1 - 280*260*310 mm
Creality CR-30 Printmill Belt Printer
Creality CR-6 Max - 400*400*400 mm
Creality CR-10 Smart - 30x30x40cm
Artillery® Hornet - 3D Printer 220*220*250mm
Creality Ender-3 S1 - 220*220*270 mm
Creality Ender-2 Pro
Creality Ender-3 S1 Pro
Creality Sermoon V1 Pro
Creality CR-10 Smart Pro - 30x30x40cm
Creality Ender-3 v2 Neo
Creality Ender-3 Max Neo
Creality Ender-3 Neo
Creality - Sermoon D3 Pro
CreatBot D600 Pro 2
Flashforge Adventurer 5M Pro
Flashforge Adventurer 5M
CreatBot D1000
bq Hephestos
bq Hephestos 2
bq Prusa i3 Hephestos
bq Witbox
bq Witbox 2
MakerBot Replicator 1
MakerBot Replicator 2
MakerBot Replicator 2X
MakerBot Replicator 5. Generation
MakerBot Replicator Mini
MakerBot Replicator z18
CraftBot 2
CraftBot PLUS

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;CNC & LaserEngraving